Designed by Alex James
Many may be tempted to believe that the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day more than the United States, but that would be false. Sophomore Hannah Graham is a student at Assumption who has Irish Citizenship. Although she wasn’t born in Ireland, she visits every so often and observes her family’s traditions closely, especially on St. Patrick’s Day. In an interview, Graham explains that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated very differently in Ireland compared to the US.
It is important to remember that the day is actually a Saint’s day and in Ireland they treat it as such. Graham compares it to Christmas, where many people attend church and participate in religious traditions. Beyond the religious traditions, many Irish natives travel to spend time with family and celebrate with food. Dishes as lavish as lamb or as simple as corned beef are served. There may be a few parades here in there in Ireland, but for the most part it is a quiet day.
It is important to learn about different cultures, especially when celebrating their holidays. This Saint Patrick’s Day it may be nice to remember a bit about the Irish culture. Here are a few facts to spark your interest. Originally the Irish were Pagan and Celtic, but now Ireland is a heavily Catholic country. The Irish language is now considered a dying language and relies on the interest of others to survive. Another fact is that many Saint’s are actually thought to be interpreted from Celtic Goddesses. Graham is adamant that people should be more aware of Irish history.
If you’re interested in more about this subject, there are many History sites online with free access, or if you’re an Assumption student there are books in the media center available for checkout.