Spirits high after Assumption’s varsity field hockey’s win against SHA in the apple tournament, but higher after the team was able to walk out in their senior varsity jackets. Seniors Caitlyn Vetrano and Julia Parrott are to thank for that. It started with a dream, their senior dream. Now it is a reality that we get to live.
It all started at the senior dream assembly, when all rising seniors came together to brainstorm what they wanted to make happen their senior year. Caitlyn Vetrano and Julia Parrott, both in Varsity level sports, came up with the idea of Varsity Jackets that would not only be for sports but for girls in many different events. Girls who met certain requirements could purchase a jacket with their name and a specific patch to show their involvement.

I met with these two seniors to get a better understanding of what they achieved.
Pucek: “Okay first question, what had inspired the varsity jackets?”
Vetrano: “Highschool musical! I’m not even joking, I was like when I get into high school, I’m going to get a varsity jacket because I’m going to play a sport. And then I get into to high school and there are no varsity jackets. Then during the senior dream Julia and I, we had the same idea and we kind of teamed up.”
Parrott: “No yea I was the same, you saw them a lot on TV going up and I loved the way they looked. Not only do you get to show up guys *laughs* but you work so hard for a varsity letter for it to just sit up on your wall, you can’t show it off and be proud about it but with the jacket you get to let everyone know what you accomplished. So much time and effort are put into not only sports but rose theater that we should be able to strut around be proud.”
Pucek: “Second question: how did you feel going up Infront of the entire senior class to pitch the idea?”
Parrott: “I was scared, and I think I made Caitlyn talk the whole time. it was a very nerve-racking thing, because no one wears them now, they are more of an old-time thing. Especially because I know that they are very expensive, but it was worth it because it will be full of memories that you get to pass on down.”
Vetrano: “I was not, for some reason not nervous. I had a feeling they were going to love this idea and we would be like the people in the movies. If I am this excited about it and I can make everyone else excited about it then its going to become a thing. Once we pitched it, everyone cheered, and I was so ready for this.”
Parrott: “I know, and Mrs. Schaefer came to us right after and was wanting to help us do this, she went to work.”
Pucek: “Alright so after knowing you guys found out that the varsity jackets were in the process of making, how did that make you feel?”
Parrott: “Oh I was ecstatic, so excited.”
Vetrano: “And everyone was talking about winning pink and white for their senior dream and I just kept thinking imagine being someone to make that come true, to make a senior dream come true and we are. We are the first senior dream to proceed with”
Parrott: “And it’s something that every person from now on can do.”
These varsity jackets stand as a symbol that you can make something happen at Assumption. They brand our hardworking students that deserve the recognition.
Our seniors have dreams to make our school better, Caitlyn and Julia are just the start.