Abby Floden is an adventurous young woman in her second year at Assumption who is focused on her academics, as well as being involved in groups like theater, archery, and diversity club.
“I am most proud of my grades because in middle school, I didn’t take things seriously and winged everything, but I have straight A’s and I’m really proud of that.”
She puts in the time and work that it takes to succeed and it pays off. As well as being an outstanding student, she also isn’t afraid to be herself and encourages others to accept who they are.
“Be yourself, because at Assumption, no one judges you. If you be yourself, you can find those friends that will always be there for you.”
Abby firmly believes in self-acceptance; she embraces who she is and is proud of all her qualities, like being outdoors-y.
“In my free time, I get on twitter, and if I’m in the mood or it’s not cold, I ride my bike or take my dogs Candi and Cruz for a walk.”
In addition to what she does in her free time, she is also involved in Rose Theatre. She hopes to someday be an actress.
“I like being in tech and helping out behind the scenes.”
Whether it’s riding her bike or hitting the books, Abby gives everything she does her all. She encourages her classmates to be the inspirational individuals that she knows that they are.
By: Natalie Desmarais